
How to run your first 5k?
How to run your first 5k?
If you have made running your new year’s resolution, a 5k is a good goal to aim for. At around 30-45 minutes, it is a good challenge for your aerobic system, and covering that distance without stopping is a real achievement. Like all good achievements, a 5k is not easy and will take time.
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How to keep motivated during the COVID-19 crisis
How to keep motivated during the COVID-19 crisis
The last nine months have been difficult for all runners. With no guarantee of events on the horizon and faced with great risks every time we step out of the door, motivation to push ourselves is harder than ever.
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The Sarah Seller Story
The Sarah Seller Story
Tucson nurse comes in second in the Boston marathon! Amazing story!
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Thinking of doing an ULTRA?
Thinking of doing an ULTRA?
This John Kelly clip is a true inspiration. Worth a watch! amazing scenery!
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How Important is Nutrition When it Comes to Fitness?
How Important is Nutrition When it Comes to Fitness?
Why what you eat is as important as how you exercise!
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Can Anyone Become a Runner?
Can Anyone Become a Runner?
Anyone can, and everyone should at least try! The best way to get into running is with a buddy. Find someone at the same level and set off on the journey together.
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3 Weight Loss Myths Debunked
3 Weight Loss Myths Debunked
Losing weight is not as easy as it sounds!. It takes hard work and full commitment. Here are three simple things that you should know.
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4 Top Tips For Running Beginners
4 Top Tips For Running Beginners
Getting started is often the hardest thing. In addition to buddying up with another runner, here are some things to think about as you start on your journey.
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How Can Running Improve Mental Health?
How Can Running Improve Mental Health?
Mental health is a significant issue in our society. The hardest thing to do when you are down, if force yourself to run, but if you do, the rewards can be significant.
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