
Barefoot Running
Barefoot Running
Barefoot running is the art or running barefoot. The concept was popularised in 2009 when Chris McDougall published ‘Born To Run’ and four years down the line the concept is still going strong with almost every sports shoe manufacturer promoting an expanding range of ‘minimalist’ shoes
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The Importance of Core Exercises
The Importance of Core Exercises
When people talk about core exercise the only benefits they see are having an extremely toned stomach and a six-pack. But this is wrong. This form of exercise has many, much more important benefits and will help to strengthen your pelvis, hips and lower back.
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The benefits of a good warm up
The benefits of a good warm up
Many of you may forget this simple task before you set out to do your exercise. This is a decision that you may regret the next day, when your muscles ache and walking seems like an effort. Here at Jogging Buddy we aim to inform you on the reasons why you need to warm up and the many benefits that it brings.
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